I want to keep learning new steps in the dance of life

I will always be learning new steps, always dancing. Here in my little corner of the street there is organic gardening, art, clay, glass, painting and fiber art, writing, music, dogs, and coffee with friends who drop by.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

kumquat upside down cake

The kumquats are producing in abundance this year. If you've never seen or tasted one, and you love oranges, imagine popping an orange into your mouth and every sweet bit of it is edible, the skins are thin and sweet and the flesh inside is juicy and either tangy or sweet, depending upon the variety. Well they're starting to leave these things in your car if you leave your window rolled down...they're everywhere. Today I took my dear friend's kind gift of kumquats and made kumquat upside down cake. Found the recipe on the internet and it is beautiful to look at, if I may say so myself

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